Prescription drugs contain psychoactive substances. They have a high potential for abuse if taken over long durations or in quantities not prescribed. There are some who abuse these substances that began using them as prescribed by a doctor. Unfortunately, some become addicted and drug abuse develops. Many then turn to illegal methods of obtaining them. Prescription drug abuse treatment programs are growing to help the people with prescription drug abuse problems. If you or a loved one is currently suffering this an addiction and needs help, please call Irving drug treatment centers at (877) 804-1531 to get help finding treatment centers.
Opioid medications for chronic or acute pain:
Sedatives for anxiety and sleeplessness:
Stimulants for hyperactivity disorders:
Sedatives, anti-anxiety medications:
Hydrocodone addiction - First, a medical detox is conducted to relieve withdrawal symptoms. Then, maintenance medications are given to maintain sobriety and avoid relapse.
Buprenorphine - relieves withdrawal pain experienced during detox
Methadone - helps the transition during detox to abstinence by mimicking some effects of hydrocodone.
Nalaxone - reverses opioid overdose during detox phase
Naltrexone - blocks the brain's opioid receptors during detox to prevent usage
Hydrocodone addiction - First, a medical detox is conducted to relieve withdrawal symptoms. Then, maintenance medications are given to maintain sobriety and avoid future relapse episodes.
Suboxone - fills the brain's opioid receptors without euphoric effects, minimizes withdrawal symptoms and also is a long-term maintenance tool to help ward off relapse.
Xanax - for panic disorders, agitation and anxiety, also relieves the symptoms of opiates withdrawal during the detox phase.
There are numerous health risks associated with prescription drug abuse including those associated with the following substances:
. Opioids - low blood pressure, choking, repressed breathing, stopped breathing, coma, and possibility of death
. Sedatives - memory problems, low blood pressure, repressed breathing, stopped breathing, coma, and possibility of death
. Stimulants - fever, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, seizures, tremors, hallucinations, aggressiveness, hostility, paranoia
Prescription medication abuse is a serious problem, but you or a loved one can find help. Qualified and licensed staff are on hand at treatment facilities to address any questions or concerns you may have and offer assistance. All calls are kept confidential. With the experience and the facilities to help people recover and live a life of sustained sobriety, rehab centers can help anyone with an addiction overcome the battle with this disease. Thorough assessments are given to meet each individual's needs. Detox, therapies, counseling and aftercare services are all part of the treatment plans. There is no need to continue suffering when help is available. To learn more about how to find the right program for your needs during your struggles with prescription drug abuse, call Irving Drug Treatment Centers at (877) 804-1531.