Drug Rehab Irving


Individuals who have an addiction can't gain control over their actions and what they are using or doing. These individuals develop a dependency on this to cope with daily life.

Addiction then reaches a stage where it is harmful. They can be to physical substances such as drugs or alcohol, but can extend to other things like food or an activity such as exercise or shopping. When it involves drugs, drug rehab should be considered. Drug rehab focuses on recovery and, in most instances, drug rehab also addresses secondary addictions. To learn more about programs and centers to help ease the burden of addiction contact Irving drug treatment centers today at (877) 804-1531.


Drug rehab is a course of medical and therapeutic treatments for recovery from dependence on substances like alcohol, prescription drugs and street drugs. The purpose in drug rehab is to help an individual stop substance abuse to avoid the negative consequences associated with it. Treatment includes medication for any co-existing mental health disorders, counseling and group therapy.

Different Types of Drug Addiction

Different types of drug addictions must be treated differently. The following substances are most commonly associated with addiction:

  • Alcohol
  • Amphetamines
  • Cocaine
  • Hallucinogens
  • Inhalants
  • Tobacco
  • Opioids
  • Prescription drugs
  • Marijuana
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)
  • Other unspecified substances

Secondary Addictions

People who are prone to one addiction makes them prone to other types as well. The lack of impulse control can make them subject to these behaviors. Any additional addictions are termed secondary addictions. All disorders of these kind need to be treated simultaneously. Secondary's feed into the primary and worsen.

Addiction is Mental and Physical

Continuing to use drugs will eventually develop into a physical dependence with certain drugs. This continued use changes the brain's chemistry, creating the mental aspect. As the brain continues to change, it feeds the addiction, making the person more prone to continuing to use. A cycle of mental and physical addiction develops.


Addicted people are usually not capable of recognizing they need help. Intervention is where loved ones meet as a group with the individual. They discuss the connections between substance abuse and the resulting problems. The goal of intervention is for the addict to accept help and enter addiction treatment.

Formal Interventions: uses guided conversation with the supervision of an interventionist. The group meets with the addict to discuss how using has affected everyone negatively.

Informal Interventions: are group sessions with family and friends to discuss the addict's substance abuse. The addict is invited to join, but the group meets whether the addict is present or not. No professional interventionists are involved.

Intervention Models

Direct Confrontation: This type of intervention involves the group confronting the abuser with examples of how their lives and the life of the abuser have been impacted negatively by substance abuse. The group details the consequences the abuser will face if they fail to go into treatment.

Indirect Confrontation: The group has meetings with an addiction specialist who shows them coping skills regarding the substance abuser. The abuser is invited to join, but if they don't the group still meets.

Forcible Intervention: Direct interventions are those that confine the abuser to treatment.

Motivational Interviewing: Sessions are held between the abuser and a counselor to increase the resolve of an addict to become motivated and committed to changing.

Systemic: Professionals meet with loved ones that have been unintentionally allowing, sometimes even encouraging, the addict to continue their behavior. Loved ones are taught skills to stop enabling the addict.

ARISE: A compassionate and nurturing approach is used to get the addicted person into treatment with the least possible effort. A support system is formed, creating a committed intervention network, to motivate the addicted person into treatment.

Getting Help

Finding quality, local drug treatment is possible. Call Drug Treatment Centers Irving at (877) 804-1531 to speak to someone about your options.

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