Early Alcohol Use Could be Dangerous, Says Irving MADD

Mothers Against Drunk Driving is warning Texas parents about the potential harm alcohol can have on their child's success. Teens can be especially affected by early alcohol use. Negative consequences can include engaging in risky behaviors like driving under the influence. According to research by Susan Tapert of the University of California, San Diego, teen development and cognitive functions can be adversely affected by alcohol in the long term.

As mentioned above, early alcohol use can greatly impact a child or teen's life. If you are struggling with a drinking problem, don't wait. Alcohol treatment in Irving TX can help.

What Is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is an informal term used to describe a wide range of problematic drinking behaviors. Also known as alcohol use disorder, alcoholism is a serious problem that causes a number of issues in modern society. Alcohol abuse is recognized by compulsive and uncontrolled drinking behaviors, and people who abuse are likely to continue drinking despite experiencing problems. Alcohol dependence is a more serious condition, with dependent people experiencing psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms upon cessation of use. Alcohol abuse can easily lead to dependence, with some people developing dependence problems later in life. Binge drinking is a specific kind of alcohol abuse, with this condition defined in the United States by the consumption of more than five standard units for men and more than four units for women in a single sitting.

12-Step Support Groups

Conventional 12-step support groups play a big role in alcoholism treatment. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), originally developed in the 1930s, uses the disease model of addiction, with clients rendered essentially powerless over their condition as they embrace a higher power and help others with the same problem.

Attending an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting through the Dallas Intergroup Association (www.aadallas.org) can greatly help you in your recovery after treatment. However, calling drug treatment centers Irving TX is the first step.


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